Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Acton Park

The public place I decided to observe was a park in a little town called Acton. Acton is a small community where I have grown up; there is not much out here at all. The Acton Park is very new to the community, they are actually still building it. Here at this park there are: basketball courts, baseball/softball fields, a play ground, and a lot of open space for any other sort of activity. There are bathrooms, benches, tables, and barbecues for everyone to use. This park is not limited to any one, considering the fact that there are no homeless people in Acton. Out here we don't have a problem with homeless people trying to sleep on the benches. The Acton park is surrounded by a little white picket fence, with a parking lot big enough for ten cars. The park is never over crowded and almost everyone in the community uses it. They have held candle light ceremonies for people of our community we have lost, had movie nights, and have held practices. As I am sitting here the Vasquez High School Varsity softball team is practicing. When I was in High School we used to have Competition Cheer practice here on the open grass. Over the summer the little league football team used the open space for their practice. The park is used by everyone in our community and it is such a safe environment. There is no security or no need for security for that matter. Everyone who is anyone is allowed at the Acton Park.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Successful Writing Process

When I am about to write a paper I find it easy to make a outline first. It helps me narrow my thoughts, and makes it easier to form a organized paper. Another process I like to use is a bubble chart, so I can branch off other ideas of certain topics with in my paper. I then always write a rough draft first and then go to the TLC lab to have a tutor over see my essay. After they have made their changes I go back and fix my mistakes and add any additional information i want. I find this process to be very helpful. I have always liked writing, but I really learned how to enjoy writing about different topics in English 091. In high school we always got to write on topics we wanted to write about so it made it easy. However, in English 091 they were topics that i knew nothing about. This helped me with my writing skills tremendously. I am usually very successful with my writing and I feel very confident when it comes to turning in the final draft. In English 101 I hope to enhance my writing skills even more. I also hope to continue to write on interesting topics that are new to me in writing.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009