Friday, April 17, 2009


Before watching the movie in class I was always pro for new Wal-Marts to go up in places. However, I never really knew all that I know now about the people behind the doors who make everything, and also the effect these building have on communities. Such as when they leave, there is a huge empty box building that is not very useful for anything else! I am not to sure as to what side I am going to take for my essay. Where I live there is nothing, no big market or clothing stores. Its a little one horse town called Acton, and its a very small community. There was a time when they wanted to open a Albertsons up in our community, and the entire community fought it and won. I never really understood why, i wanted a market i hate having to drive thirty minutes to go to a market. But i also realized that if wewould have let that pass, more and more would have gone up and soon our one horse town would turn into a little city. People who live in Acton live out there for a reason; to get away from the busy city areas around them. So i can see why some places are just not for the building of another Wal-Mart. So all in all I still am not sure what side I will be taking for my essay!