Monday, May 18, 2009

Obama's Apology to the Special Olympics

Obama on the "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno,"made a comment about being a bad bowler. He told Jay Leno his score and sarcastically Leno told him "good job," and the Obama said "It's like the Special Olympics or something." This comment offended many people, not just the mentally challenged. However Obama made every attempt possible to apologize to them. He knew he was wrong and was able to admit to his mistake, and this is what made his apology sincer.

Monday, May 11, 2009


The word sorry can be used in various ways, in the sense of messing up or out of sympathy. Sorry has the power to change everything or even ruin everything. If something bad happened and you are in the wrong, an apology could probably fix the mistake or problem, however if you didn't apologize that problem would probably still be there. All because you couldn't admit to your faults and say the word "sorry". The word sorry though also has limitations, you cant take it for granted and use it for every time you mess up and think that it will fix everything. There has to be sincerity behind your apology. People get so used to just saying sorry that there is no meaning be hind it anymore and the word has no effect coming from there mouth. "Actions speak louder than words".