Monday, May 18, 2009

Obama's Apology to the Special Olympics

Obama on the "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno,"made a comment about being a bad bowler. He told Jay Leno his score and sarcastically Leno told him "good job," and the Obama said "It's like the Special Olympics or something." This comment offended many people, not just the mentally challenged. However Obama made every attempt possible to apologize to them. He knew he was wrong and was able to admit to his mistake, and this is what made his apology sincer.


  1. This guys has made so many stupid remarks and nobody reports about them. Could you imagine the hate mail and outrage if President Bush made this comment? He has a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease. This is our President. And he makes stupid comments like this.

    I would look into what the Special Olympics chairman accepted his apology. It was very quick, almost like President Obama did nothing wrong. Also try looking into the lack of the media covering this incident. It went pretty much under the radar.

  2. obama needs to write a formal apology
