Sunday, March 22, 2009

Critical Thinking Within My Own Studies

To be completely honest my High School was not very hard in the academic department. It was not as if they did not care, there was just no motivation. So that being said critical thinking was never really taught at my high school. However I feel critical thinking is something you should already know by the time you hit High School, so maybe that is why it was never taught to us at our High School. I think critical thinking is something that can either come easy to someone, or its something someone really has to work hard on. For those that critical thinking does not come easy to I think it would help them if it was still taught to them through out their education. If it can not be taught, at least come up with a way that helps it come easier to people!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is something that we can either accept or reject. Its thinking deeper and finding things about a reading that is not the obvious when first read. Its almost like taking something apart and putting the pieces back together. In my opinion i think comprehension is the most important part to critical thinking! I personally am not good at reading comprehension, i never have been, it's not something that came easy to me. It was something that could not ever be taught to me, I just was not good at it. However I do think critical thinking can be taught to an extent. Comprehension was never taught to me at an early age, maybe if I had learned it earlier it would have been easier. If you can learn things at a young age and be able to practice the skills, it will become easy and like a second nature to you. I feel the best way to teach critical thinking would be to introduce it to kids at a young age.