Sunday, March 15, 2009

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is something that we can either accept or reject. Its thinking deeper and finding things about a reading that is not the obvious when first read. Its almost like taking something apart and putting the pieces back together. In my opinion i think comprehension is the most important part to critical thinking! I personally am not good at reading comprehension, i never have been, it's not something that came easy to me. It was something that could not ever be taught to me, I just was not good at it. However I do think critical thinking can be taught to an extent. Comprehension was never taught to me at an early age, maybe if I had learned it earlier it would have been easier. If you can learn things at a young age and be able to practice the skills, it will become easy and like a second nature to you. I feel the best way to teach critical thinking would be to introduce it to kids at a young age.

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